Conditions and Symptoms of Urinary Problems
Types of Urinary Conditions
Numerous conditions can cause unpleasant urinary symptoms. First, there's cystitis, which can cause painful urination. Urethritis may also cause this, though it is not chronic and is usually the result of an infection. Speaking of infections, the urinary tract infection is responsible for a whole host of urinary symptoms. Other conditions like prostatitis, vulvovaginitis or tumors may be to blame as well. Catheterization has also been known to cause urinary urgency or pain, as can urinary blockages or tumors.
Painful Urination
One of the most common urinary symptoms is painful urination. Also known as dysuria, pain upon urination often hurts right at the urethra itself, causing burning and intense pain. Potential causes include infection, a chronic pain syndrome like interstitial cystitis or a urinary blockage.
Urinary Frequency and Urgency
Feeling as if you have to urinate very badly is called urgency. Needing to go all the time is called frequency. Both of these symptoms are typically characterized by getting up in the middle of the night to urinate or feeling like you have to rush to get to the bathroom in time. In some cases, urinary urgency and frequency can result in incontinence or the involuntary expulsion of urine, if you do not go to the bathroom right away.
Abnormal Urine
Abnormal urine is a key sign of a urinary problem. You may notice the urine is cloudy or darker than normal, or that there is blood present. You may also notice a stronger aroma or a foul smell. These symptoms can be indicative of a variety of conditions, from urinary tract infections to bladder cancer, so proper diagnosis is imperative.
Flank Pain
For some urinary conditions, flank pain is a symptom. Flank pain is characterized by pain just under the ribs, along the sides of the body or at the lower back. This is usually a sign of a kidney infection or other problem, making prompt treatment a must to avoid serous damage.