Barley Tea for Urinary Infections
Constrictions and Spasms
One aspect of UTIs that make them so uncomfortable is the internal swelling that constricts the bladder and exit to the urethra. And of course, a swollen, unhappy bladder spasms, too -- which adds to the false sense of urgency to urinate.
Many herbalists and naturopaths recommend a barley tea as a diuretic. It helps re-establish proper urine flow and may also reduce pain and unpleasant odors.
How to Make Barley Tea
Start with dry pearl barley grains that may be found at a farmer's market or natural foods store. Boil a handful of barley grains in a medium-size pot until the mixture is a cloudy, almost white liquid. When done, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or fine strainer to remove the major sediment.
The liquid is best consumed hot, though some report that room temperature and even cold barley water is effective. This is a very common drink in many parts of Asia including Japan, China, Malaysia and Singapore.
Japanese Mugicha
Another option is to go to a tea shop or look online for Japanese barley tea, also known as Mugicha, and brew according to directions. Often this tea comes in tea bags as well as in loose form. Mugicha usually involves roasted barley and a deeper, stronger flavor that may or may not be as enjoyable as unroasted barley.
Besides a traditional hot, simmered brew, Mugicha can also be cold brewed. Drop one or more tea bags in a pitcher of cold water and let it sit until dark. It still creates a tea, although often lighter in color and flavor.