Honeymooners Disease
The reason for the link to the word "honeymoon" is that this cystitis often occurs as a result of frequent or prolonged sexual activity, as would typically be expected in the honeymoon period of a marriage.
Symptoms include burning upon urination, lower pelvis discomfort, frequent urination, cloudy or darkly colored urine, blood or a strong odor in urine. A doctor will diagnose cystitis by culturing a urine sample.
Sometimes immediate relief of symptoms can be achieved by drinking cranberry juice or taking a pain-relief medication like Tylenol. Cystitis is caused by a bacterial infection, and it must be treated with a prescribed course of antibiotics.
Keep the genitals clean, wipe from front to back and urinate after sexual activity. Increasing fluid intake, especially of water and cranberry juice, can also help. People who suffer from frequent bouts of cystitis should avoid spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. Some feminine hygiene products may also contribute to cystitis, like perfumes, bath oils and some contraceptive products.
Cystitis will not go away without antibiotic treatment, even though symptoms may be relieved with home remedies.
Untreated, cystitis can become a serious health problem. The bacterial infection can spread to the kidneys and cause tissue damage and serious urinary tract dysfunction.