How to Prevent Honeymoon Cystitis
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Cranberry juice
- Antibiotics
Make an appointment with your physician if you suspect you may suffer from honeymoon cystitis. He can make suggestions on how to prevent and treat this condition.
Empty your bladder before and after sex. Urinating helps your bladder get rid of any bacteria that can potentially lead to a bladder infection.
Drink a lot of water. Plan to have at least six to eight glasses a day in order to keep your bladder free of bacteria that can build up and lead to an infection.
Drink cranberry juice as a way to prevent honeymoon cystitis. Cranberry juice can prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of your bladder. If you are not fond of the juice, cranberry tablets are available as well.
Use another form of birth control instead of a diaphragm. A diaphragm may press on the bladder and make a woman more prone to bladder infections following sex.
Inquire about antibiotic use. Some doctors may decide to prescribe an antibiotic to be taken after sex as a way to prevent recurrent bladder infections. A single dose is often prescribed and antibiotics used include Bactrim and Macrodantin.