Toddler Bladder Infection
Symptoms of a bladder infection in toddlers include painful urination (burning or stinging), bed wetting, back pain, abdominal pain and cloudy urine. In some instances, a fever may accompany a bladder infection.
Treatment is essential. If left unresolved, a mild bladder infection can worsen or decrease kidney function.
Treatment Option
If you suspect a bladder infection in your toddler, seek medical attention. Infections can spread quickly, and antibiotics are necessary to destroy the bacteria and fight the infection.
There are several ways to prevent bladder infections in toddlers. Teach young children proper hygiene habits. For example, young girls should clean themselves from front to back after a bowel movement. Furthermore, limiting bubble baths and increasing your child's water intake can reduce and prevent infections.
Time Frame
With treatment, most toddlers recover from a bladder infection within a week. Take antibiotics as directed by your child's pediatrician.