Urinary Problems in Women
The Facts
Urinary problems affect the lives of millions of women in the United States. Urinary problems in women include urinary tract infections and bladder control problems. These problems can cause pain during urination and discomfort during sexual intercourse. They can also lead to social anxiety. While urinary problems are more common as a woman ages, they are not inevitable and can be treated.
Urinary Tract Infection
A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection in some part of a woman's urinary tract. That includes her bladder, ureters, urethra and kidneys. A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract and causes inflammation. Symptoms include painful urination, the need to urinate frequently, foul-smelling urine and painful sexual intercourse. This urinary problem can be treated with antibiotics and phenazopyridine, a medication that will help to relieve pain during urnation.
Stress Incontinence
Stress incontinence is a common urinary problem in women. A woman who has it experiences a loss of bladder control when she sneezes, coughs or laughs. Other physical movements like lifting a heavy object can also cause leakage. This happens often in women because childbirth weakens the pelvic floor muscles, vagina and ligaments that support the bladder.
Urge Incontinence
Another urinary problem in women is urge incontinence. A woman who experiences this issue feels sudden overwhelming urges to urinate. The urge comes on so strong and so suddenly that she has no chance to reach a restroom before she loses bladder control. The urges can occur when she hears water running, when she takes a drink and even when she is asleep.
Overactive Bladder
Some women suffer from overactive bladder. This urinary problem occurs when abnormal nerve signals are sent to the bladder. Instead of needing to urinate an average number of times a day, a woman with this condition will need to urinate several times more. She will likely need to wake during the night to urinate as well. This condition can disrupt her life, affecting activities ranging from working to watching a movie to getting a full night's sleep.