Prostate Massage Technique
Prostate massage is generally given digitally, so clean hands and short fingernails are a must. Surgical gloves are highly recommended as is the liberal application of lubricant to the area. Instruct the affected individual to use the restroom, if he is able, prior to beginning the procedure and then to wash the anus with soap and water. Once he has washed, have him lie on his stomach on a comfortable surface.
Instruct the affected individual to take a deep breath and relax. As he inhales, insert the lubricated, gloved finger into the anus and move slowly toward the navel. The prostate will feel like a large knot of tissue beneath your finger. Once the prostate has been located, move your finger gently over the gland in a slow, circular manner. Apply as much pressure as you can without causing the affected individual any discomfort. Men will react to a prostate massage in a variety of ways such as feeling a sudden urge to urinate or by becoming sexually aroused. Continue the massage for 10 to 15 minutes or until requested to stop. Make a mental note of the size of the prostate gland and repeat the procedure once a week until urination flow returns to normal.
Be sure to massage as gently as possible as overly enthusiastic friction can lead to an increase of infection through the unintentional spread of bacteria that occur naturally within the colon. Additionally, regular sessions of prostate massage could lead to an increase in hemorrhoids and could complicate conditions such as chronic prostatitis that require stronger treatment. A painful prostate suggests a serious medical condition and should be evaluated by a health care professional.