D-Mannose for a Urinary Tract Infection
What is D-Mannose?
D-Mannose is often called an herbal remedy, but it is not a member of the herb family. It is a glucose isomer that is extracted from mostly European birch and beech wood. The extraction is a natural sugar that has a propensity for chasing E.coli bacteria from the urinary tract. It is used in small quantities that don't interfere with body function, so diabetics can also take D-Mannose. It helps relieve the pain of interstitial cystitis, incontinence and prostatitis. It is equally effective for men and women.
What is UTI?
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a non-specific term used to describe any lower urinary discomfort, usually referred to as bladder infection. Never leave a bladder infection untreated because the bacteria, usually E.coli, will travel to the kidneys and be much more difficult to treat.
How to Use D-Mannose
D-Mannose comes in a powder form to be stirred into liquid, or in a tablet form. The binder in the tablet is rice, so there are no hidden allergens. It is a natural monosaccharide, so it is sweet. It is best stirred into hot water or tea. Despite the fact that acidic drinks like cranberry and orange juice are considered bladder friendly, it is not recommended that D-Mannose be added to those liquids. The fructose content in both of those juices metabolizes quickly and may lead to more health problems.
Prevention and Remedy
Many people take D-Mannose on a daily basis to prevent UTI. A level teaspoon daily may be enough, but if the beginning of an infection is felt, then two or three heaping teaspoons, according to package instructions, will give almost instant relief. It is further recommended that if the bladder is undergoing catheterization, the patient use three to six level teaspoons per day. There are no known side effects reported from any dosage. Consultation with a doctor is recommended during pregnancy.
UTI Caused by Sexual Intercourse
Sexual intercourse is one cause of UTI. Take a heaping teaspoon of D-Mannose before intercourse and do not urinate. After intercourse, void the bladder and take another heaping teaspoon of D-Mannose. Continue to follow up the next few days with more teaspoons if bladder complications occur.
D-Mannose Consultation during Pregnancy
D-Mannose is a glyconutrient, or a simple sugar. It may cross the placenta to the unborn child, but will have no more effect than a spoonful of sugar, according to studies. As with all alternative medicine, it is important to consult with your doctor before self-medicating.