Natural Cystitis Relief
For women, most UTIs are a result of intercourse, cheekily dubbed "honeymoon cystitis." The most common bacteria found in women's cultures is E. coli. This bacteria is typically harmless in the intestine but is forced to latch onto the walls of the bladder in order to gain the necessary nutrients to survive. When this occurs, the patient will begin feeling the typical bladder infection symptoms.
Infections in men are much more rare and are usually a result of another, more serious condition, such as an obstruction in the urinary tract. While natural treatments can still be tried in men, if they do not show sufficient relief within three days, it is best to seek the assistance of either a physician or a naturopath.
Common symptoms include a constant urge to urinate, a burning sensation while urinating, a cramping feeling after urination and cloudy urine (usually because it contains either small amounts of blood or pus). In order to treat naturally, treatment must begin within the first day of showing symptoms. Otherwise, the infection may have spread to a point where ones immune system is not a sufficient cure.
D-Mannose Sugar
D-Mannose sugar, an extract taken from cranberries, is very effective at stopping a bladder infection. When detected early enough, the sugar coats the bladder to prevent the bacteria from sticking to the walls and reproducing. D-Mannose is the number one recommended natural treatment for cystitis and typically shows results within 2 days.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been acclaimed for its natural health effects. In the case of cystitis, E. coli bacteria cannot survive if the body's pH is too acidic, so it is an ideal cure. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. of water and drink. Repeat this 5 times daily until the infection clears. This treatment should show results within 3 days.
In the natural treatment world, prevention is the greatest cure. Always get plenty of rest and take vitamin C supplements daily to keep the immune system at its highest. Next, drink plenty of water and about 2 ounces of cranberry juice everyday. Cranberry juice has small amounts of D-Mannose to help the bladder and urinary track remain protected. Finally, for women, urinate after intercourse to flush out bacteria and always wipe from front to back to avoid contamination.