How to Naturally Cure a UTI infection
Drink cranberry juice. Choose a cranberry juice that is 100% juice and not from concentrate. Cranberry will help to prevent urinary (bladder infections) and can also help alleviate UTI symptoms while they already exist. Drink cranberry as often as you can tolerate and integrate it into your long-term preventative urinary care plan. If you still experience discomfort, make an appointment with your doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics.
Eat yogurt. Yogurt is excellent because it contains probiotics which can help regulate and prevent urinary track infections. Yogurt is also great with curing yeast infections. Make sure you choose a low-fat yogurt that is plain. Eat the yogurt cultures each day as a part of long-term preventative plan.
Visit your doctor immediately if OTC products or natural remedies do not provide relief. If you are bothered by a constant need to urinate, burning or blood traces upon urination, or have a high temperature and in extreme pain then you should make an appointment to see your doctor today. These are all symptoms of a urinary tract infection.