Signs and Symptoms of Bladder and Kidney Infection
Bladder infection symptoms include a frequent need to urinate, pain or burning when urinating, urine that is cloudy or has a strong odor and perhaps a low fever. Kidney infection symptoms include those and a fever of 102 degrees or above for two days or more, chills, fatigue and pain in the flanks.
Germs that cause bladder and kidney infections live in the intestines. Women are more susceptible to getting bladder infections than men. People who do not drink enough liquids, have diabetes or are pregnant are more likely to get bladder infections. People with kidney stones or enlarged prostate glands are prone to urinary tract infections.
Doctors use urinalysis to diagnose urinary tract infections.
Doctors routinely prescribe antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections. Medicine may also be prescribed to alleviate the pain experienced while urinating. Some bladder infections will go away with no treatment. Bladder infection symptoms usually will get better in a day or two after starting an antibiotic. Kidney infection symptoms can take up to a week to disappear.
Drinking at least two quarts of water daily can help prevent bladder and kidney infections. Other preventive measures include emptying the bladders when needed and not trying to "hold it," wiping from front to back after using the bathroom and by taking showers instead of baths. It is a good idea for women to urinate after they have sex, according to the National Institutes of Health. Drinking cranberry juice can also help prevent bladder infections.