Easy Ways to Get Over a Bladder Infection Quickly
The first treatment for a bladder infection is prescription antibiotics. Two common antibiotics used for treatment are ciprofloxacin and amoxicillin. Continue taking the antibiotics until the entire bottle is gone, even though you will begin to feel relief within 48 hours. Otherwise, the infection will return.
Since the antibiotic kills all of the bacteria in your body, good and bad, eat a 6 oz. container of yogurt every day to replace the good bacteria that's lost.
Echinacea is an herb you can take as soon as you experience symptoms of a bladder infection. Echinacea strengthens the immune system and gets rid of the bacteria causing the infection. In fact, it works for all kinds of infections and has no side effects. The normal dose for a bladder infection is two 1,200 mg capsules every day with a meal.
Cranberry Juice
An easy way to begin treating your bladder infection is by drinking cranberry juice, which stops the bacteria from sticking to the cells in your bladder. It stops the infection from spreading, then starts getting rid of it. Make sure you drink 100 percent juice. If you hate the taste of cranberry juice, mix it with some apple juice. Drink one glass of cranberry juice with each meal and drink water in between to flush the bacteria out of your system.