Drugs Used to Control Frequent Urination
Having to go to the bathroom often is a common sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). However, pregnancy, diabetes, some medications, prostate problems and many other medical conditions can also cause urgent urination. Your individual situation should be evaluated by your doctor to determine the exact cause.
Once you have a diagnosis of a specific urinary condition, such as Overactive Bladder, your health care practitioner may be able to prescribe medicine that will help slow down or stop frequent urination.
Diagnosing the cause of frequent urination includes a complete medical history and ruling out other physical problems that may cause an overactive bladder or urgent urination.
Testing usually involves urinalysis to see if there is bacteria present, a sign of infection. Glucose in the urine might indicate diabetes. A urine test may also show blood in the urine, an indication of kidney disease or other signs of infection that may cause frequent urination, according to the Mayo Clinic.
More involved testing includes ultrasound, scopes that look inside the bladder and urinary tract and tests that shows bladder function, volume and pressure.
Medications for Frequent Urination
Medicines that help control the need to urinate frequently work on the muscle of the bladder. The most commonly prescribed medications are for Overactive Bladder include Detrol LA, oxybutynin (Ditropan), solifenacin (Vesicare) darifenacin (Enablex), Oxytrol, trospium (Sanctura XR) and Tofranil.
Side Effects
Dry mouth and constipation are the two most frequent complaints associated with taking medications for frequent urination. Using the extended release (ER) version of the drug can sometimes help avoid or lessen the effects. Sometimes sucking on a piece of sugar-free candy can help take away the dry mouth feeling.
In addition to medication, avoiding excess caffeine (especially coffee), alcohol, soft drinks and high-acidic beverages like tomato juice and orange juice may help reduce the urge to urinate frequently.