Urethral Stricture Symptoms
Urinating Symptoms
Some of the symptoms you may experience associated with urethral stricture may cause problems or discomfort when urinating. Some of these symptoms include a difficulty urinating which may result in a noticeable drop in the frequency of urination. When you do feel the need to urinate that need is always very urgent. Your urine may be mixed with blood, or you may notice that your urine has turned a very dark brownish or reddish color. You may develop an inability to urinate completely, or you could experience the opposite, which would be urination incontinence which means that you feel the urge to urinate constantly. Urinating may be extremely painful for you, and you may notice that your urine stream has become a spray.
Men's symptoms
Urethral stricture is not exclusive to men or women, but men do have unique symptoms. One of those symptoms is a swollen penis which may cause the penis to become red. You may also notice blood mixed in with your semen, and you may experience painful ejaculations during intercourse.
Women's Symptoms
One of the symptoms of urethral stricture that is unique to women is a possible discharge that may come from the vagina. This discharge may be white, or it may be a pinkish color due to being mixed with blood. If you are experiencing any pelvic pain as a result of urethral stricture then you may experience sharp pain during intercourse.
In many cases there may be no pain symptoms at all involved with urethral stricture. However, some people do report abdominal pain that can become severe at times. There may also be pelvic pain that can be exaggerated when you walk.
For most cases of urethral stricture it can be expected that treatment will be successful, and you will realize a complete recovery. In some cases it may be necessary to continue treatment for some time after you have recovered to remove scar tissue that may continue to build up. But, for the most part, you can expect a full recovery.