Natural Remedy for Bladder Retention
Uva ursi, marshmallow and comfrey help
Uva ursi is an herb sold widely in health food stores and on-line that can help with bladder retention. Trouble urinating can lead to a bladder infection. Uva ursi can be consumed as a glycerin-based tincture to help alleviate bladder retention. Glycerin is the liquid base in which many herbal remedies are suspended. Others are in an alcohol base.
Reduce sodium
If you eat many fast foods or processed foods, you likely are consuming a lot of salt. Read labels or ask to see nutritional information at restaurants before ordering meals. Ask to have meats, poultry, fish and vegetables prepared without salt.
Often is is easier to eat meals at home and bring your own lunch to work. Use herbs to season your food. For example, using dried rosemary, fennel seed, marjoram and cayenne pepper to season vegetables may help end cravings for salt.
Iodine for Thyroid Health
Limit, but do not eliminate sodium from your diet. The USDA recommends no more than 2,400 mg of salt per day for a healthy adult. Iodine is needed daily for a healthy thyroid. Too little iodine may affect your ability to produce thyroxine. Eat dried seaweed sold in powdered form as dulse or dried nori that can be shredded over vegetables or pasta for a good source of iodine.