Where to Buy a Candida Cleanse
How does candida grow and spread?
Candida can thrive from the use of antibiotics that wipe out all the friendly flora in the GI tract that normally keep candida from overgrowing. To prevent passing on the yeast infection to your partner, use condoms during sexual intercourse until the candida has been eliminated completely.
Where to buy grapefruit seed extract and probiotics?
Probiotics are live cultures including acidophilus lactobacillus and are sold in the refrigerated section of health food stores. Each product varies, but most recommend taking one to three capsules (as the millions of live cultures and types of cultures also vary.) Probiotics can be taken with or without food.
Grapefruit seed extract is also sold in health food stores and online and is antibacterial. Each commercial product is formulated differently and should be taken according to its directions. For example, one brand might recommend taking only one to three drops three times a day. Dosages vary as the strength of the product varies.
Eat live yogurt
To prevent candida regularly consume yogurt made with live cultures such as acidophilus lactobacillus to colonize the GI tract with the friendly bacteria that can keep candida under control.
Read the label: not all yogurts are made with these live cultures. Many commercial yogurts are made of milk, pectin, sugar and other substances to thicken it.
Consume about one cup of live culture a day for seven days; most women notice an improvement in that time. If you don't, see your doctor for advice.