Natural Remedies for Prostate Problems
Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol
There are smooth muscle cells in the prostate. Caffeine causes smooth muscle cells to constrict, which can make urination more difficult. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine, including coffee, soft drinks and tea. Also avoid chocolate and beverages containing chocolate, such as hot chocolate and chocolate milk. You should avoid drinking alcohol, too.
Reduce Stress
Our bodies are designed so that in times of danger, hormones are produced that allow us to respond quickly to any threat. Certain bodily activities are curtailed so that our energy can be focused toward survival. This is known as the fight-or-flight response. Unfortunately, our bodies can't tell the difference between the stresses we face every day and actual life-or-death situations. This means that our bodies are frequently flooded with stress hormones. Stress hormones make it difficult to urinate and to achieve an erection. Managing your stress may improve your prostate symptoms.
Increase Sexual Activity
During ejaculation, seminal fluid from the prostate leaves the body. Increasing the amount of sexual activity you have may improve your prostate function. Prostate massage also helps ease urination problems; your urologist may perform prostate massage as a part of your office visit. You should avoid prostatic massage if you have an active infection of the prostate when massage could cause the infection to spread.
Herbal Treatments
The herb saw palmetto is commonly used in cases of prostate problems. Follow package dosage directions, and allow up to six months of consistent treatment for resolution of prostate problems. Goldenseal and bee pollen also are reported to reduce inflammation of the prostate.