Home Remedies for a Urinary Tract Infection
Flush Bacteria
Bacteria are the primary culprits behind urinary-tract infections. Bacterium make their way into the urinary tract and begin to proliferate. Women are more likely to experience an infection due to their shorter urethra. The female anatomy also contributes to urinary-tract infections, as the vaginal area and anus are in close proximity, and bacteria from the anus can easily enter the urinary tract. To fight an infection, increase your fluid intake. Drink plenty of water and cranberry and other juices to dilute your urine and stimulate your kidneys. Increased urination flushes bacteria and helps fight a urinary-tract infection.
Pain Medications
Antibiotics usually treat a urinary-tract infection within seven days. But, as many people increasingly take antibiotics as rarely as possible, first try ordinary pain medications to reduce discomfort. Aside from painful urination, pelvic pain and back pain may occur. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Use Heat
Along with pain medications, use heat therapy to soothe back pain and abdominal or pelvic pressure. Take a heating pad or a hot cloth and position it on tender spots. Place the heating pad or cloth on your back or pelvis for 20 minutes, and then remove for 20 minutes. Repeat as needed for relief. If you have access to a hot tub or jacuzzi, relax in the pool to ease pressure and soothe sore muscles, but make sure the equipment is clean---as this is where your infection could have originated in the first place. Best of all, try a warm bath in your tub at home.
You can get rid of a urinary tract infection fast by boosting your body's defenses. Your body's immune system is designed to fight a variety of infections. Naturally, a weak immune system cannot function properly. Improve your immunities with sufficient rest and supplements such as vitamin C, goldenseal, cranberry capsules and echinacea. Orange juice can also provide a daily dose of vitamin C. Take as directed and do not abuse supplements.
Better Personal Habits
Modifying your personal habits is crucial to overcoming a urinary tract infection and preventing future infections. Urinate frequently and completely dry the genital area after showering or swimming. Refrain from sexual intercourse until the infection clears. If you're a woman, make a practice of wiping from front to back after a bowel movement and stop using feminine hygiene or scented products. These products can aggravate a urinary tract infection and worsen symptoms.