What Are the Causes of Frequent Urinary Tract Infections?
Sexual Intercourse
UTIs are caused by bacteria from the anus, vagina or surrounding environment entering the urethra and moving into the bladder. During sexual intercourse, bacteria is being moved all over the place. Getting a UTI during sex is more common in women and may be avoided by urinating after sex. Washing the genitals after sex is essential as well, but urination will force any foreign bacteria out of the tract before it makes it to the bladder.
Diabetes and Other Immune Impairments
Diabetes is the most common condition to cause frequent urinary tract infections. However, those with other diseases that weaken the immune system are more likely to experience frequent UTIs as well. The immune system is impaired and cannot fight off infections as well as a healthy body can. As a result, even small discrepancies, such as forgetting to wipe front to back after using the bathroom, can cause severe UTIs.
Improper Perineal Care
The perineal is specific to the area from the genitals to the anus. After urinating or defecating, the area must be wiped front to back only, from the genitals to the anus. Wiping from the anus to the genitals will introduce fecal matter or other bacteria into the urethra, causing a quick urinary tract infection. Improper perineal care is a problem for the elderly or bed-ridden people, as the caretakers may mistakenly clean incorrectly.
The Use of Catheters
Catheters pose a severe risk for frequent urinary tract infections. A catheter is inserted into the urethra to allow urine to flow through the hose and into a container. However, if the area where the catheter connects to the urethra is not cleaned properly and consistently, bacteria will build up and make its way into the urinary tract. This problem is seen more often in elderly and other long-term care patients.
Other Causes
Other risk factors for frequent urinary tract infections are dehydration, pregnancy, kidney stones or kidney disease, and menopause. Doctors are now learning that a woman's immune system may be the risk factor for urinary tract infections. Some women lack protective elements that flush out bad bacteria. As a result, bacteria attach to certain cells in the urinary tract and can induce UTIs with even a slight introduction of new bacteria or irritation of the urethra, as in after sexual intercourse.
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