Signs of Bladder Infections
Bladder infections can cause a great deal of discomfort. Although most bladder infections can be treated easily, its important to understand what causes them, how they can be prevented and what needs to be done to treat them.-
What is a Bladder Infection?
A bladder infection is also known as a urinary infection. A bladder infection is caused when bacteria travels to the bladder. Bacteria can reach the bladder either from bacteria that is already in the body or bacteria that enters the body from a primary site.
Causes of Infection
Bladder infections can be caused by several variables. In women, bladder infections can occur after sexual intercourse. This is due to bacteria being spread into the urethra. Women who use certain methods of birth control, such as diaphrams, are also more likely to get a bladder infection because it presses against the bladder and does not allow for all of the urine to be released. Bladder infections can also be caused by improper wiping that spreads bacteria from the vagina.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms include pressure on the bladder, which might give the feeling or sensation of having to urinate even when you do not. Another symptom includes feeling the sensation of needing to continue urinating after the urine stream has ended. Having an uncomfortable feeling of pain during urination may also occur. The urine can also have a foul odor, or appear cloudy.
The good news about bladder infections is that they can be treated easily. If you think you have a bladder infection you will need to make an appointment with your doctor to confirm it. Until you are able to schedule an appointment with your doctor , an over-the-counter product called AZO may provide some relief. AZO is an approved medication that aids in temporary relief of the discomfort of having a bladder infection. It is important to know that it is not a cure, and that seeing a doctor is still needed. Once a doctor confirms a bladder infection, she will prescribe a medication that usually rids you of the infection in as little as three days. Relief from the infection, however, may be noticeable soon after taking the medication.
A natural remedy for curing bladder infections is cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is said to produce an acid that keeps certain bacteria from reaching the bladder.
The best way to prevent bladder infections is to make sure that you keep the genital area clean. This includes wiping from front to back so as not to spread bacteria. It is also important to urinate after intercourse and make sure not to hold urine for a long amount of time.