Alternative Treatment for Cystitis
Nutrients can be very helpful in destroying bacteria, promoting healing and restoring a compromised immune system to good-working order. Take colloidal silver for its natural antibiotic properties and ability to kill bacteria. Boost your immune system with two capsules of garlic three times a day. Destroy bladder-infection-causing bacteria by making your urine more acidic with 2,000 mg of vitamin C. Restore healthy bacteria in your body with acidophilus. Calcium and magnesium have proven to be beneficial for resolving some of the irritability of the bladder. Be sure to replace the potassium that you lose by taking one or two 99 mg doses of potassium daily. Additional help can be found taking vitamin E for its bacteria-fighting capabilities.
Cranberry juice is the most recommended nonmedicinal remedy for treating cystitis. Pure cranberry juice promotes hippuric acid production in the urine, which makes the bladder an acidic environment. Because bacteria is unable to live in acid, the cranberry effect kills off the bacteria and prevents it from forming on the bladder's lining. Always buy unsweetened cranberry juice, because other commercial brands contain little actual juice and a lot of sugar. Any consumption of sugar will weaken the immune system. If pure cranberry juice is unavailable, purchase cranberry capsules. Drink at least seven ounces of cranberry juice a day and/or take the capsules according to package directions. However, there are no reported health risks if you drink more than the recommended amount.
By taking diuretic herbs, you are able to flush out the kidneys and clean out your urinary system. Birch leaves will not only flush you out, but provide some comfort for bladder pain. Clean out your liver with dandelion tea or extract. Hydrangea is a powerful herb for flushing and stimulating the kidneys. If you experience bleeding, take goldenseal as an herbal antimicrobial to resolve pathogens in the bladder. Mashmallow root will increase the acidity of your urine. Other medicinal herbs include burdock root, rose hips and echinacea flower root. Kava is effective in reducing the stress the condition brings on.