Urinary Infections Caused by Klebsiella

Urinary infections (also known as urinary tract infections) are common conditions, especially in pregnant women, the elderly and babies. The symptoms are relatively minor and can often be confused with other conditions. However, if left untreated, urinary tract infections can lead to serious medical conditions, including infections that leave irreparable damage to the kidneys. Klebsiella, a strain of bacteria that is particularly resistant to several kinds of antibiotics, is often the cause of complicated urinary infection.
  1. Urinary Tract Infection

    • A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an inflammation of your body's urine-producing system, including your kidneys, bladder and urethra. UTIs normally affect your bladder or your urethra, but can also spread to the kidneys if left untreated. As a rule, the higher up the infection has traveled, the more serious it has become. Your physician will usually treat your UTI with a round of antibiotics and directions to drink lots of water to flush out your system. Klebsiella-caused urinary tract infections are resistant to many antibiotics and sometimes need to be treated with a combination of antibiotics.


    • Although there are several types of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, klebsiella is among the most common. Klebsiella can be found in soil and water, but it is also a normal part of the intestinal tract. It is also known to cause bacteremia and pneumonia, especially in patients who already have underlying health problems. Although E. coli is a far more common source of UTIs, klebsiella is often the culprit of complicated UTIs. It can be resistant to many antibiotics and often needs specialized treatment.


    • These types of urinary tract infections occur when klebsiella finds its way from the intestinal tract into the urinary system. Once inside, the bacteria begin to multiply, causing pain and irritation. There are several ways for the bacteria to get inside your urinary tract. You can get infected through regular sexual intercourse because the urethra is so close to the anal area. Pregnant women are especially prone to UTIs because an enlarged uterus blocking the urinary passage could prevent urine from being emptied from the bladder. The urine sits in the bladder, providing a breeding ground for klebsiella and infection.


    • Sudden difficulty urinating or an increased need to urinate are signs of a urinary tract infection. A burning sensation when urinating or intense cramps in your lower back are also signs of a UTI. Bloody, cloudy or smelly urine also indicates that something may be wrong. If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your physician immediately for a diagnosis.


    • You can avoid UTIs or speed recovery by drinking lots of water to flush the bacteria from your urinary tract. Boost your immune system and fight off all sorts of infections by taking a daily multivitamin. Always wipe front to back after a bowel movement to prevent bacteria from finding its way into your urinary tract. Clean your genitals thoroughly with warm water and mild soap at least once a day and after sexual intercourse. Also, urinate as soon as you feel the need to avoid a buildup of urine in your bladder.

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