How to Avoid Over Active Bladder
To prevent over active bladder you need to be consistent with healthy bladder habits. Contrary to popular belief it's not a normal part of aging. As long as you do what you're supposed to do, your bladder will remain healthy.
Drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks instead of sodas. Limit your intake of coffee, caffeine, tea, alcohol and other stimulants. Natural is always better, otherwise, the body has to do extra work. It's hard on the body to process unnatural products you consume and this will take its toll over time.
Eat healthy and avoid processed foods and drinks. Limit sugar and artificial sweeteners and opt for natural sugar in fruits and fruit juices instead, in particular, cranberry juice. Also, add extra fiber into your diet, but do it slowly to avoid excessive bloating and to give the body time to adjust.
Use good toilet habits and only go to the toilet when you need to and always empty the bladder completely. Ladies wipe from front to back to avoid infection, which will cause over active bladder. Also, go to the toilet as soon as you need to go and don't put it off. In addition, try not to strain during bowel movements since this can weaken pelvic support muscles.
Consider having more sex, sex is great exercise for the pelvic muscles. Sad to say, some women with an over active bladder are afraid to have sex due to leakage. However, this is a mistake, since it will improve bladder control and not allow a bladder problem to limit their activities.
Stop smoking, if you smoke, as you know smoking creates many health problems and the bladder is no exception. Smoking is the number one cause of bladder cancer, so I would say it's a huge risk.
Do pelvic muscle exercises also called Kegel exercise. You do this by stopping the flow of urine and holding it for 3-5 seconds, relax and repeat 2-3 times. Also, do pelvic floor exercises to strengthen all surrounding muscles in the core area.
Additionally, be sure to have a regular exercise program and keep a healthy weight, extra weight can contribute to loss of bladder control. Keep in mind that everything you do to avoid bladder problems is well worth the effort.