Benefits of Kegel Exercise
Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles in the vaginal wall. The stronger these muscles are, the easier the pushing phase of childbirth will be. Strong vaginal muscles will reduce the odds of tearing or needing an episiotomy.
Begin doing Kegel exercises immediately after childbirth to help reduce the risk of a prolapsed bladder. The exercises also help the vagina return to normal after being stretched out from vaginal birth.
Incontinence and Hemorrhoids
Do Kegel exercises every day if you have a problem with incontinence. Losing bladder control a little when you laugh too hard or sneeze is a sign of weakened pelvic floor muscles. Tightening and strengthening those muscles will give you better control over your bladder.
Kegel exercises also strengthen the muscles surrounding the rectum. This reduces the chances of developing hemorrhoids, especially during pregnancy.
Sexual Health
Kegel exercises can help lead to a better sex life. The muscles of the pelvic floor are directly related to sexual sensation: Tighter vaginal muscles will increase feeling. Many women who practice Kegels regularly claim to have longer and more intense orgasms than they did before doing the exercises.
Kegels are not just for women. Men who practice Kegels also have improved sexual experiences because the exercises encourage blood flow to the entire pelvic region, increasing sensation for them as well.