Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Women
Flush the Urinary Tract
Bacteria from the vaginal or anal area can enter the urinary tract and cause an infection. Drinking plenty of fluids such as water and cranberry juice promotes urinary health and flushes bacteria from the urinary tract. Cranberry juice acidifies urine and stops the growth of bacteria; whereas water is a natural cleanser and removes toxins and bacteria from the body. Drink between eight and ten glasses of water a day to maintain a healthy urinary tract and prevent infections.
Hygiene Habits
Certain hygiene habits can trigger a urinary tract infection in women. Preventing an infection involves modifying your habits and taking steps to stop the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. After a bowel movement, make a conscious effort to wipe yourself from front to back. Wiping in the opposite direction can result in bacteria or fecal matter entering the urinary tract and causing an infection. What's more, being sexually active increases a woman's risk of developing a urinary tract infection. Lower your risk by urinating after engaging in sexual intercourse
Avoid Irritants
Several feminine hygiene products such as deodorant sprays and powders contain ingredients that may irritate the urethra. Applying these products to the vaginal area can trigger a urinary tract infection or worsen an existing infection. If you deal with recurrent infections, products such as douches, feminine washes and bubble baths may be the underlying cause. Avoid irritants to prevent an infection, and experiment with hypoallergenic feminine products.