Preventing Bladder Infections
Bladder Infections
Your bladder is a part of your urinary tract system that also includes your kidneys, which connect to your bladder and aid in the production and deletion of urine from your body. Bladder infections are caused when certain bacteria enters your urinary tract, usually through your urethra, and causes infection. If you do feel you may have a bladder infection it's important to seek treatment, as it can travel up to your kidneys and cause more severe health problems. Symptoms of a bladder infection can include a burning sensation when you urinate, a pain or ache in your lower abdomen and a constant feeling of having to urinate, even when there is no urine.
Frequent the Bathroom
Holding urine in your bladder for prolonged periods of time can cause the bacteria in your urine to grow and spread in your bladder. To avoid this, try and use the restroom at least every two to three hours. Also remember, after going to the restroom, to wipe front to back in order to prevent bacteria from re-entering your urethra.
Avoid Chemicals
For women, this means avoiding vaginal sprays or scented feminine products, as the chemicals can upset the bacteria already present in your system. For both women and men, avoid taking frequent bubble baths, which have been known to cause bladder infections as well.
Keep Clean
To further prevent a bladder infection, always ensure that your genital area is kept clean and away from moisture. This also means avoiding wearing wet clothing or swimsuits for a long period of time, as the moisture helps to aid in bacterial growth. For women, it is important to urinate after having sexual intercourse, as this will flush out any bacteria introduced during sexual intercourse.
Drink Plenty of Water
Ensure that you are getting at least 8 glasses of water a day, which is also important for your overall health. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out your urinary tract, and keep you urinating regularly.
It has long been believed that cranberry juice, or supplement pills, can prevent a bladder infection. This is because cranberry juice has been shown to hinder bacteria's ability to attach to the lining of your urinary tract. While drinking a glass of cranberry juice a day may help, supplements are good because you get the most concentrated form of cranberry, while avoiding added sugars and chemicals that can often be found in juices.