Help for Urinary Tract Infections
Treatment--Consult a Physician
The best course of action is to consult a physician at the first signs of infection. If not treated properly, a bladder infection can spread to the kidneys and even into the blood. While there are several home remedies available, a course of antibiotics is often the fastest and most effective way to treat a UTI.
Treatment--Drink Water
Water dilutes the urine and helps flush out bacteria. Avoid caffeinated beverages as they can irritate the bladder and increase the urge to urinate.
Treatment and Prevention--Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is a clinically proven treatment and preventative measure for those who suffer recurring UTIs. Cranberry coats the lining of the bladder, making it slippery. The bacteria are unable to attach to the walls of the bladder and are flushed out of the body.
Prevention--Avoid Delaying Urination
Delaying urination allows the urine to become more concentrated and bacteria to grow. Urinating when the urge presents flushes waste and bacteria from the body.
Prevention--Urinate Immediately After Intercourse
Intercourse may introduce bacteria into the urethra. Urinating immediately afterward flushes any bacteria before it can take hold in the urinary tract.
Prevention--Wipe Front to Back
Bacteria from the feces may find its way into the urethra. Wiping front to back pushes fecal bacteria away from the urethra, reducing the chance of infection.
Prevention--Use Perfumes, Powders and Douches Sparingly
Many feminine hygiene products actually can irritate the genital area, including the urethra. They also may have chemicals that create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria which can then find its way into the urethra.