Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Infections
Symptoms in Adults
The most common signs of cystitis include burning or itching during urination and a frequent need to urinate. Other symptoms are dark or cloudy urine, passing only a small amount of urine, blood in the urine and lower abdominal pain or pressure.
Symptoms in Young Children
Toddlers and babies often exhibit nonspecific signs of a bladder infection. Symptoms may include poor feeding, fussiness and foul-smelling urine or diapers. In some toddlers and babies a fever is the only sign.
Symptoms in Older Children
In older children the signs become closer to those of adults. Symptoms of a bladder infection in older children include burning or itching during urination, irritability, frequent need to urinate, lower abdominal pain and fever.
Symptoms in Elderly Adults
Elderly people often exhibit atypical signs of a bladder infection. Their symptoms include a sudden change in mental state, incontinence, vomiting, loss of appetite and shortness of breath.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Doctors diagnose cystitis by performing a urinalysis. Treatment of a bladder infection will usually consist of a course of antibiotics.