The Effects of Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is rich in phytochemicals and antoxoxidants. These two properties are deterrents against cancer and immune system disorders, and are important to heart health.
Urinart Tract Infections
Cranberry juice is very often used to help clear up and prevent urinary tract infections. Its anti-adhesion properties help cleanse the body of E. coli bacteria than can result in painful and possibly dangerous urinary tract infections.
Dental Health
Unsweetened cranberry juice can inhibit bacteria from forming and growing in the mouth. It guards against plaque and can help keep teeth clean and fresh.
Kidney Stones
Cranberry juice is known to assist the body in removing toxins, waste and bacteria. The quinic acid in cranberry juice is helpful in preventing the formation of kidney stones.
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice has the additional benefit of calcium. This addition is an added benefit and helps build strong bones, keeps your nerves in check, and is good for the muscles.
Cranberry juice keeps unhealthy bacteria from adhering to the stomach walls and guards against ulcers and other stomach ailments.