How To Check Urine for an Infection
Things You'll Need
- Home urine test kit
- Wipes or towelettes
- Clock or watch with second hand
How to Use a Home Urine Test
Get a home urine test from the drug store or order one on-line. Make sure it says on the label that it tests for infection. Some home urine tests are designed to test blood sugar levels; others are used for drug testing.
Once you have the test kit at home, open the box and check to see that the kit contains a collection cup, dipsticks and instructions that explain how to perform the test.
Read the instructions carefully. There may be some things you have to do before taking the test, such as avoiding certain foods, limiting physical activity or temporarily stopping medications or alcohol. If you are not going to use the kit right away, store it properly. Some kits need to be stored in a cool place or refrigerated.
Try to take your test first thing in the morning. A morning urine sample gives the best results. If this is not possible, do not urinate for at least 4 hours before testing.
When you are ready to take the test, gather the additional materials you will need. Most likely this will be wipes or towellettes and a clock or watch that measures time in seconds. Refer to the kit instructions for a list of additional materials.
Use your clock or watch if a step in the test needs to be timed. Incorrect timing could change your test results.
Wash your hands before collecting any urine.
Remove the lid from the collection container if it has one. Set the lid down with the inner surface up. Avoid touching the inner surface.
Clean the area around your genitals with a wipe or towelette.
Begin urinating into the toilet or urinal. After the urine has flowed for several seconds, collect about half a container of "midstream" urine.
Do not allow the rim of the container to touch the genitals. Do not get toilet paper or other foreign matter into the container.
Test the urine sample with the test strip according to the instructions that came with the kit. Follow the instructions exactly. Do not skip any steps.
Write down the result of the test. Call your doctor and make an appointment if the test is positive. If the test is negative and you continue to have symptoms of a urinary tract infection, call your doctor and make an appointment to see him.