How to Prevent Urine Infections
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Cranberry juice
Staying Hyrdrated Is The Key To Avoiding Infection
Drink plenty of water every day to continually flush out your urine. You can also drink cranberry juice. which prevents infections and speeds up recovery times when you get an infection. Keeping yourself well hydrated keeps your system flushing.
Don't hold it in when you need to urinate. Holding it in can create an excess of bacteria and cause you to have a urine infection. Make sure you are drinking enough water to go at least once every two to three hours.
Keep your genital area clean. This includes washing after sexual intercourse, and washing it in the shower every day with a very mild soap. Opt for showers instead of baths, which can cause you to sit in bacteria and let it multiply.
Wipe back to front after a bowel movement. This is important so that you don't spread fecal matter. Be very thorough as well. The bacteria can multiply and cause a urine infection.
Choose underwear with a breathable, cotton lining. Satin or silk underwear can trap bacteria to and cause a urine infection, while cotton allows it to stay cool and dry. Always change out of your swimsuit as soon as you are done swimming, as the warm, moist environment can breed bacteria.