What Can I Take for Urinary Tract Infection?
Home Remedies
There are several simple home remedies that can help lessen the symptoms of UTIs and in some cases, cause the infection to clear up completely. Drinking at least eight glasses of water or other fluids a day will help flush the urinary tract help get rid of and prevent infections. Drinking cranberry juice is especially helpful. Drinks that may irritate the urinary tract, such as alcohol or coffee, should be avoided. Heating up the skin above the bladder with a hot pad or pack can help alleviate pain and discomfort.
The primary way to eradicate the bacteria that cause UTIs is to begin a regimen of antibiotics. When some people get UTIs, they may think they can get away with using only home remedies to clear up the infection. While this may be true in mild cases, if the home remedies fail, the infection and spread and become more serious, possibly requiring hospitalization. Therefore, the best way to treat a UTI is to immediately see a doctor and get on an antibiotic course. Common antibiotics for UTIs are Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin. Normally discomfort and frequent urination will cease after a couple days of taking antibiotics and the infection will clear totally by the end of the prescribed pill cycle.
Severe Cases
If you allow a UTI to spread too long before seeking treatment, you may have to go to the hospital. In this case, doctors may administer antibiotics intravenously to more quickly combat the infection.
While treating UTIs after they occur is important, taking steps to prevent UTIs is also important. UTIs occur most frequently in women, since the urethra can more easily come in contact with fecal matter. Proper hygiene--showering and washing the genitalia regularly--is of paramount importance. Using condoms and washing thoroughly after sexual activity can also help prevent UTIs. It is helpful to urinate as soon as possible after sexual activity to flush the system of possible infection. Drinking plenty of water can also help prevent UTIs.