At Home Treatments for Urinary Tract Infections

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is not only painful, but the chances of a UTI reoccurring, is very likely. A urinary tract infection can occur when bacteria enters your urinary tract. Once inside, the bacteria will multiply, which then results in symptoms, such as painful urination. According to the Mayo Clinic, women are more likely than men to develop UTI's. In most cases, antibiotics are the usual treatments for a UTI. However, there are other ways to treat and prevent a UTI from occurring.
  1. Fluids

    • Drinking extra amounts of fluids, such as water, will help to flush out the bacteria in your urinary system. It is recommended that on a daily basis the average adult consume up to eight glasses of water a day. The Mayo Clinic suggests that if you have a UTI, that you should avoid coffee, alcohol or any beverages with caffeine. Drinking these kinds of beverages can exacerbate your condition.


    • Cranberries are a natural way to cleanse your kidneys, and flush out harmful bacteria in your body. You can either eat cooked cranberries, drink cranberry juice or take cranberry capsules (which can be bought at places such as Whole Foods, or at your local super market). If you decide to drink cranberry juice, you need to buy the juice that is unsweetened. The sugar provided in most cranberry juices is an aggravation to your urinary system.

    Hot Compresses

    • Applying hot compresses, such as a heating pad to your abdomen can help with pain and discomfort. Pressure on your bladder can also be alleviated. Soaking in a hot bath, or even using a hot water bottle can help your discomfort. If pain becomes unbearable, it may be necessary to seek treatment in order to be placed on an analgesic (pain medications), which will help to numb your bladder.

    Baking Soda

    • Once a day, add up to one teaspoon of baking soda into one full glass (eight ounces) of water. The baking soda acts as a neutralizer in your urine. By drinking the baking soda along with the water, your body is able to flush out bacteria quicker, and help aid you in ridding your body of the UTI. It is usually helpful to drink the baking soda with water as soon as you begin to notice symptoms of a UTI, such as frequent urination, or the urge to need to use the restroom.

    Vitamin C

    • Another natural boost in your body's defense to fight bacteria is Vitamin C. It is important that if you choose to take capsules, to speak with a doctor on how much to take to help treat your infection, as too much Vitamin C can cause side-effects such as flushing or hot flashes. Eating foods that are high in acidic content such as oranges and peaches can help your body by creating an inhospitable place for the bacteria in your urinary system. The Vitamin C makes your urine acidic, which essentially inhibits the growth of the bacteria.

    Seeking Treatment

    • If you have a UTI that continually comes back, it is important to seek medical attention. When your urine becomes bloody, or develops a foul smell to it, home remedies may not be able to help your condition. In many cases, your only alleviation may be antibiotics provided by a doctor once you have been diagnosed. Severe cases may require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.

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