Home Remedy for Cystitis
Beneficial Herbs for Cystitis
Herbs and pharmaceutical medications are assigned dosages based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest amount of the substance that is effective to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. A person should always adhere to suggested amounts. Herbal medicines are generally non-toxic and overdosing is unlikely. Taking more than a recommended dose is unlikely to produce additional benefits and in some cases can cause negative side effects. Some herbs listed treat specific strains of bacteria. If the strain is not known, stick to herbs that treat specific symptoms.
Artemsia treats Klebsiella infection which is resistant to antibiotics. An individual should take 20 drops of tincture three times a day for three weeks. Astragalus treats the Proteus bacteria which can also cause kidney stones. Recommended dosage is 500 to 1,500 milligrams three times a day. Barberry, coptis, goldenseal or Oregon grape root also enhances immunity and is useful when blood is present in urine. A person should take one of these in tincture form at 20 drops three times daily for up to two weeks. Birch leaf tea used as a douche can relieve bladder pain. A person suffering from cystitis should soak ½ oz. in 1 quart water and perform one to two times a day. Buchu also relieves burning pain during urination. Recommended dosage is 500 mg two times a day. Cranberry juice is also effective, preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder. A person should drink 16 oz. of unsweetened juice daily or take 250 to 500 mg three times daily. As for dandelion capsules, they lessen urine retention. Dosage is 500 mg three times a day. Finally, Java tea douche reduces spasms and urine retention.
Other Suggestions for Active Infection
An individual suffering from cystitis should drink plenty of liquids to flush out the bacteria causing the infection. She should aim for at least one glass of steam distilled water. Avoiding irritants to the bladder, such as coffee, alcohol, citrus juices, soda, chocolate and peppers is a good idea. The pain of a bladder infection can also be alleviated by taking a sitz bath for 20 minutes twice a day. Java leaf or birch leaf combined with water and vinegar, which kill the bacteria is also helpful.
Ways to Prevent Cystitis
One can avoid acquiring cystitis by keeping the genital and anal area clean and dry and wiping from front to back. It is also good to urinate before and after both exercise and intercourse. Washing the vagina after sexual activity is advised as well. Feminine products that contain fragrance should also be avoided. They contain substances that encourage bacterial growth. Also, it is advisable not to hold urine for long periods of time.