How to Get Rid of a Bladder Infection Without Medication
Bladder infections are painful and uncomfortable; and if left untreated, infections can spread to the kidneys and become serious. These infections develop when bacteria enters the urinary tract and travels to the bladder. Most bladder infections are mild and respond to medications. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat bladder infections. However, it's possible to cure and relieve symptoms of a bladder infection without medication.Things You'll Need
- Water Vitamin C Heating pad
Drink water. Water is an effective at-home treatment for bladder infections. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day to flush bacteria from your bladder.
Take vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplements boost your immune system, helping your body to fight the infection. Drink orange juice or take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day.
Apply heat. Oftentimes, bladder infections result in pelvic or back pain. To ease discomfort without medication, place a heating pad on your lower abdomen or back, or take a hot bath.
Restrict sexual activity. In women, engaging in sexual relationships can trigger a bladder infection, and aggravate an existing infection. Abstain from sexual activity until the infection clears.