How to Treat a Bladder Infection Without Antibiotics
Things You'll Need
- Water Cranberry juice Heating pad Painkillers
Increase your water intake. Drinking between eight and 10 8 oz. glasses a day flushes bacteria from the urinary tract.
Take cranberry supplements. Cranberries are a natural alternative for both preventing and treating a bladder infection. Drink cranberry juice or take cranberry capsules.
Use heat therapy. Bladder infections can cause lower abdominal and back pain. Place a heating pad on your lower abdomen to ease pain and discomfort. Taking a hot bath or sitting in a hot tub may also relieve pressure and pain.
Take pain relievers. To ease pelvic or back pain, take ibuprofen or aspirin.
Limit sexual relations. Engaging in sexual activity may cause further irritation and prolong a bladder infection. Wait until the infection clears to resume sexual contact.