How to Avoid Bladder Stones
Things You'll Need
- Water Cranberry juice Herbal teas Dietary change
Drink plenty of water. The high concentration of crystallized stones is caused by low fluid levels in the kidneys. Water dilutes high concentration in the urine, preventing stones from forming.
Drink cranberry juice. Bladder stones are symptomatic of recurring urinary tract infections. By drinking cranberry juice, you eliminate bacterial growth and the microbes' ability to attach to the bladder tissue.
Get a prostate exam. For men, one of the main causes of bladder stones is an enlarged prostate. Early diagnosis and treatment of prostrate conditions help eliminate chances of bladder stone formation.
Drink herbal tea. There are several herbal teas available that dissolve bladder stones, such as gravel root, stone root and hydrangea.
Avoid fatty, oily diets. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables cleanses the system, whereas oils and fats affect blood pressure and kidneys and can cause abnormal function in clearing urine and balancing its concentration.