How to Avoid Cystitis

Cystitis is the medical term for urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are painful conditions where an increased urge for urination occurs along with burning and itching sensations in the genitals. These infections are usually caused by bacteria, but certain lifestyle changes can help you avoid future occurrences. These steps help prevent and avoid cystitis.


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      Drink plenty of water. Water flushes the system and keeps the whole body healthy. It dilutes urine to eliminate the possibility of kidney stones.

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      Wash genitals after sexual intercourse. This is especially important for women. Women have a higher chance of bacteria entering the urinary tract during sex. Wash the area. Urinate after intercourse as well. This cleans the genitals from bacteria in exposed areas.

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      Avoid tight underwear. Tight underwear keeps genitals warm and keeps moisture inside the area. This fosters growth of bacteria, which is the cause for cystitis.

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      Eat more cinnamon and juniper. These two spices are natural antibiotics that filter bacteria out of the urinary tract.

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