Treatments for UTI During Pregnancy

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, account for nearly 10 percent of all doctor visits made by women. Pregnant women are at an especially high risk for developing a UTI due to increased bladder volume, decreased bladder tone and dilation of the urethra caused by pregnancy hormones. Treatments of UTIs are generally easy and painless.
  1. Diagnosis

    • UTIs are generally noticed due to increased urination, burning while urinating, feeling the sudden urge to urinate when no urine needs to be passed and sensitivity of the vulva. Doctors will generally do a urine test to determine if there is bacteria or puss present in the urinary tract.


    • Most doctors will prescribe an antibiotic to treat UTIs. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the type of infection found (if tested for type). In healthy pregnancies, antibiotics are generally considered safe for use in women who are expecting. But if you have had any complications during your pregnancy, discuss them with your doctor. Most times, antibiotics will not exacerbate an existing condition, but it may lead to one antibiotic being prescribed over another or a lower dose being given to ensure safety.

    Pain Medication

    • Many women are also prescribed pills to alleviate symptoms. This can range from simply cranberry supplements to over-the-counter pain medication.


    • Cranberry juice and tablets have been shown to help clear up UTIs in many women. In some cases, they completely alleviate symptoms until a visit to the doctor can be made, and in many mild infections, the pills may clear it up entirely.


    • It is important to prevent infections from recurring or becoming resistant to treatment. You can do this by wiping from front to back when you use the restroom, avoid using lubricants, douches or anything else near the urethra for a few days after treatment, and be sure to finish all of the prescribed antibiotics.

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