Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostrate
The good news is that an enlarged prostate doesn't increase the risk for prostate cancer, however they share the same symptoms so you should never self diagnose an enlarged prostate. Screening for enlarged prostate and prostate cancer should be done from age 50 on. If you have a family history of either condition screening should start at age 40. By age, 60 half of all men will have symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
As knowledge about prostate health is spreading you may be familiar with the most common symptoms of enlargement like having a hard time urinating especially in starting the flow of urine, frequent urge to urinate and having to go more at night. Other, less common, symptoms include a decrease in the strength of urine flow, feeling sudden strong urges to urinate. If treatment is delayed, symptoms will worsen and may include a bladder infection, bladder or kidney stones, damage to the kidney, blood in the urine and sudden blockage where urination becomes impossible.
When symptoms first start if they are left untreated they can lead to other problems. When urine flow begins to lessen and become weak, this causes a build up of urine that stays in the bladder and urethra and can cause infections. The build up of urine causes other symptoms like frequent and sudden urges to urinate. As these symptoms worsen, a complete blockage of the urethra can occur and urination will cease. This is very dangerous because the bladder can rupture which is usually deadly. Screenings for enlarged prostate are fairly simple and done during an annual exam. Seeing your doctor for annual physicals is vital to insure the early detection of an enlarged prostate and avoid suffering these symptoms.
There are many medications on the market to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These medications work by stopping any further prostate growth or by relaxing the prostate muscles. Surgery is also an option and will result in the removal of the prostate tissue causing the symptoms. Last, there are several techniques that use microwaves, lasers and other forms of heat to burn away the enlarged prostate tissue while keeping surrounding areas cool and comfortable. With so many treatment options for an enlarged prostate there is no reason to suffer with these symptoms.
Some studies suggest that taking Saw Palmetto, an herbal supplement, can prevent, or even treat, some symptoms of enlarged prostate. However, even if the supplement relieves the symptoms, you must visit your doctor for a prostate examination. Prostate cancer ranks among the most curable malignancies, and responding quickly to the symptoms increases your treatment options and chances for survival without surgery.