Active Bladder Problems
Detrusor Muscles
The muscles of the bladder wall, the detrusor muscles, send a message to your brain letting it know the bladder has to be emptied. These muscles can be controlled, and while the urge may remain, most people can control the muscles allowing the bladder to empty only when they are ready. However, in an active bladder problem, the detrusor muscle contracts involuntarily even though it may not be completely full.
Causes of OAB
The causes of OAB vary in different people. At times the nerves of the muscle become overly sensitive and cause the brain to misinterpret messages. At other times, the muscles may weaken causing urination to become urgent even when the bladder is not full.
Lack of Treatment
The treatments of OAB vary. Very few people actually seek treatment for an active bladder problem. Most associate it with growing old and "bear" with the problem due to the associated stigma. The treatments for OAB aim to slow the involuntary muscle contractions causing the feeling of needing to urinate to be reduced. They also help reduce leaks and the strong need to go to the bathroom.
Drugs like Detrol and Ditropan are used to treat OAB and help reduce incontinence and the return some form of bladder wall muscle control. However, there are certain side effects to the medicines including dry mouth, memory issues and vision disorientation.
Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises that help strengthen the pelvic muscles improve bladder control. These exercises are simple. Every few hours concentrate on the bladder wall muscles. Imagine you have to go to the bathroom and you are trying to control the urge. Hold your breath in helping to constrict the pelvic floor muscles and then release. Do this for five minutes every day, anytime of the day.
People who are overweight are at increased risk of incontinence, as are smokers. People who have excessive caffeine, alcohol and spicy food tend to be at an increased risk of OAB due to these products acting as bladder irritants. In order to reduce the risk or improve the condition, patients have to ensure a better lifestyle.
Herbal Remedies
Cranberry juice is said to have a healing effect on urinary problems as do other herbs like marshmallow root and goldenrod. These are usually available as a tea in natural food stores.