Urine Infection Treatment for Kids
Painful urination is generally the first symptom of a UTI. Children may shriek or scream in pain while urinating and will often refuse to urinate. Refusal to urinate may prevent the pain of a UTI but can lead to worse problems down the road, such as bladder infections. Cloudy urine, bed wetting, inability to eat, low grade fever, vomiting and diarrhea can also be symptoms.
UTIs are generally caused by bacterial infections. For little girls, accidentally wiping feces into the vagina can cause a UTI. For boys, forcible retraction of the foreskin can cause a UTI. For all children, overexposure to bubble baths and other soaps in the genital area can cause UTIs by washing away the helpful bacteria that is supposed to populate the region. While treating a UTI, be sure to practice proper hygiene, including keeping the area reasonably clean without using soap. Clean water baths followed by a nice warm rinse are just fine for cleaning children's bodies. If you opt to use soap in the bath water, be sure to rinse children thoroughly with fresh running water before leaving the tub.
Treating with Medications
Antibiotics are often used to help rid children's bodies of infection-causing bacteria. Be sure to have children drink plenty of water while they're taking antibiotics. Recently, doctors have begun to use a shorter duration of antibiotics to prevent viral mutations. Shorter courses have been shown to be just as effective as longer courses and easier to administer.
Pain Relief
Most doctors recommend Tylenol, paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve the pain of a UTI in children. A sitz bath, which has baking soda and warm water, is very alkaline and can reduce the pain of acidic urine on a damaged urinary tract. Small children may find it easier to relieve themselves without pain in a tub of warm water. Be sure to supervise children while bathing. If you see that they've urinated in the tub, be sure to drain the water and rinse them for hygiene purposes.
Preventing Urinary Tract Infections
Teach little girls how to wipe from front to back to prevent urinary tract infections. Never allow a boy's foreskin to be retracted. It grows adhered to the glans to protect the urethra. Bathe children with warm, clean water and rinse thoroughly. Do not encourage bubble baths or excessive use of chemicals on the body, and always rinse with running water. Be sure that children are thoroughly hydrated at all times. Urine is sterile and should keep the urinary tract clean on its own, under normal conditions.