The Symptoms of Bladder Disorders
Urinary Tract Infection
A urinary tract infection is a bladder disorder that involves the kidneys as well. The disorder is quite common and can linger unnoticed for some time until symptoms begin to show. At first, you may feel tired, have stomach upset or a general loss of appetite. But, these symptoms can be easily associated with other illnesses. As the infection lingers, you may become aware of a burning sensation as you urinate, dark urine and a low-grade fever.
Kidney Infection
- explains that a urinary tract infection that has progressed can cause "flank" pain. This is pain in the area that surrounds the kidneys (in your side and back). Other symptoms that a bladder infection has spread to the kidneys are blood in the urine, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and inability to urinate. Upon diagnostic testing and evaluation, oral antibiotics are often prescribed to resolve the infection.
Urgency is a bladder disorder that is usually described as an overwhelming and immediate urge to urinate, or an overactive bladder. According to, the bladder often contracts, resulting in urination without warning. The main symptom of the disorder is incontinence (uncontrolled urination). This disorder often comes with age and a decrease in bladder capacity.
Painful Bladder Syndrome
Painful bladder syndrome also referred to as "interstitial cystitis" (IC/PBS), a bladder disorder that results in bladder and pelvis pain. The syndrome has no known causes, but researchers are performing studies that may suggest that IC/PBS has hereditary links. Patients are unresponsive to antibiotics, but treatments are being investigated. The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) describes the symptoms of IC/PBS as frequent urination along with an urgent need to urinate.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer usually invades the lining of the bladder and is more common in men than women. Age, diet, gender, race, occupation and personal history are often identified as risk factors for bladder cancer. The National Cancer Institute reports that blood in the urine is often a symptom associated with bladder cancer. Painful urination, frequent urinating and back pain are also symptoms.