Causes of Female Urinary Tract Infections
Improper wiping after you have a bowel movement can result in spreading anal bacteria to your urethra, which can result in a UTI.
Hygiene Products
If you frequently take bubble baths or use scented feminine hygiene products, these may irritate your urethra and make it easier for bacteria on your skin to cause an infection in your urinary tract.
Birth Control
Using birth control devices such as the diaphragm, cervical cap or spermicidal jellies can spread bacteria from your hands and vagina into your urinary tract.
Sexual Activity
Sexual activity can cause small tears in your genital area and can spread bacteria from your partner or your vagina and cause a UTI.
Sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and genital herpes can make women more prone to UTIs as a result of having open wounds in the genital area.
UTIs can result from an obstruction or compression of your bladder or kidneys, from kidney or bladder stones, tumors, pregnancy or constipation.