What Is Vesicare?
Symptoms of OAB
Sudden or frequent urges are the most common symptoms in people suffering from an overactive bladder. Some patients report to also experience problems with leakage as well.
Diagnosing and Treating OAB
If you are showing signs of OAB, it is important to talk to your doctor immediately. Getting the proper testing done will ensure that the problems you are having are associated with OAB and not something else.
How VESIcare Works
VESIcare helps control the muscles in the urinary system to help with frequent or strong urges and leakage.
Side Effects With VESIcare
There are no major side effects to taking VESIcare. Some minor side effects include: dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision and indigestion.
Taking VESIcare
If you have been diagnosed with an overactive bladder, talk to your doctor about taking VESIcare. VESIcare is available at all major pharmacies by precscription only. It is important to take VESIcare every day, not just when you need it.