What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement?

The medical term for prostate enlargement is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is rare before age 40. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, by the age of 75, 50 percent of men have some symptoms of BPH. Prostate cancer can cause some symptoms that are similar to prostate enlargement so it is extremely important to have any of the symptoms below or other urinary problems evaluated by a physician.
  1. Urination Difficulty

    • Often the first symptom of prostate enlargement happens when urine flow is reduced. Frequently a person will have trouble starting to urinate.

    Diminished Volume

    • When the bladder sphincter closes before the bladder is completely empty volume is reduced sharply. Typically there will be dribbling at the end of urination.

    Frequent Urination

    • A partially full bladder causes more frequent urination. This usually includes nocturnal urination.

    Overflow Incontinence

    • If the urinary problems continue for a long time, the bladder can stretch, causing overflow incontinence. Overstretching can expand small veins in the urinary system. These may burst when straining to urinate leading to blood in the urine.

    Urinary Retention

    • When urine is retained in the bladder for lengthy periods, urinary tract infections may occur, causing cloudy or bloody urine.

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