Vulvar Vestibulitis Diets
Planning Your Diet
Print out lists of high-oxalate and low-oxalate foods. Post one list in the kitchen and keep one in your wallet. That way, you can reference the lists at any time. In addition, speak with your nutritionist or physician about ways to include low-oxalate foods in your diet.
Foods to Avoid
While on a low-oxalate diet, avoid the following foods: spinach, rhubarb, beets, strawberries, nuts, chocolate, tea, coffee, soda and wheat bran.
Foods to Limit
Some foods are fine in small quantities, but you should avoid consuming them in large quantities, including whole-wheat flour, berries, concord grapes, red currants, citrus peels, tangerines, peanut butter, tofu, sweet potatoes, beans, celery, leafy greens, eggplant, leeks, summer squash and draft beer.
Make sure to drink enough liquids to flush the oxalates from your system.
To find recipes for a low-oxalate diet, go to one of the following sites: