Vagnial Yeast Infection Symptoms
A vaginal yeast infection is exactly as it sounds. It's an infection that occurs in the vagina caused by yeast. This is also called "candidiasis." A yeast infection also can occur in the mouth or any moist area of the skin.
The most common causes of yeast infections are: certain antibiotic treatments, birth control pills, wearing tight clothing in warm weather, prolonged or repeated intercourse in a short time frame, soap, pregnancy, diabetes, stress, detergent, restrained immune system, and foods or drinks containing large amounts of carbohydrates.
The most common treatment for a yeast infection is an antifungal medication. The more common medications are Monistat, Femstat and Terazol, all of which are available at your drugstore without a prescription. However, before you begin treatment, sometimes it is best to see your doctor to confirm that it is a vaginal yeast infection and not something more serious.
Vaginal yeast infections come with an itchiness that is usually persistent. If you aren't experiencing any itching--yet have a foul odor--you might have something more serious than a vaginal yeast infection. Yeast infections normally have no smell, but they do have slight discharge.
The most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are:
itching, burning and irritation of the vagina. You might feel a burning sensation when you urinate or experience pain during sexual intercourse. An odorless discharge might be present; it might be a thick, white/gray substance with a consistency similar to cottage cheese.
Here are some facts concerning vaginal yeast infections that you may not have already known. Having sexual intercourse with someone while you have a yeast infection puts them at risk of developing the infection as well. When you wear tight or ill-fitting underwear or pants, you are at risk of developing a yeast infection because your vagina is not getting a good amount of air and is instead really warm, causing moisture to collect. Diets that contain high amounts of sugars and calories also put you at risk for a yeast infection.
Do not have sexual intercourse while you have a vaginal yeast infection.
Always wash your hands after you treat the infection. After you finish swimming, always change immediately to avoid the development of a yeast infection. Do not douche while you have a vaginal yeast infection, as this can make the infection worse.