Signs of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are small, hard pebbles that form from minerals and salts in the urine. They form in your kidneys and may stay there, or they may travel through your urinary tract. It is usually after they leave the kidneys and begin their travel along the urinary tract that many of the symptoms are noticed.
  1. Sudden and severe pain

    • Kidney stones can cause sudden, severe pain in the side, stomach or groin area as the stone leaves the kidney.

    Blood in the Urine

    • Whether in the kidney or the urinary tract, kidney stones can cause blood in the urine. Keep your eye out for pink or red urine, or any other abnormal colors.

    Nausea and Vomiting

    • Kidney stones can cause people to feel sick to their stomach. In some cases, they may cause vomiting.

    Painful Urination

    • Painful urination may occur if the stone has left the bladder and is in the ureter. This also causes more frequent urination until the stone is passed.

    No Symptoms

    • Small stones may pose no symptoms at all. In some cases, people pass kidney stones without even realizing it.

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