How to Prevent Excessive Urination
How to Prevent Excessive Urination
Be mindful of your liquid intake. Excessive urination can be a signifier of another problem, but it can also be a signifier that you are drinking too much. Drink in moderation, and try to avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or coffee. Both will accelerate the frequency and volume of your bathroom trips.
Pay attention to the medication you are taking. Either excessive urination is a side effect of the drug you are taking or it is a result of two medications that don’t agree with each other. Diuretics have been known to cause excessive urination, so take special note if you use them.
Get tested for diabetes. If you are experiencing excessive urination or any of the other symptoms of diabetes, you should get yourself looked at immediately. This is the first and most common serious signifier of diabetes. A link to more information about diabetes, diabetes prevention, and diabetes treatment is posted below.
Take care of the sodium and glucose levels in your blood. This step is closely in conjunction with step three. You really only have to worry about this if you have diabetes. Test your blood levels regularly and adjust your diet accordingly. The method of testing for diabetes has greatly improved, so it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle to keep tabs on your health.
Start taking an antidiuretic, if the problem is persisting. Most people will notice excessive urination at night, which means they are probably being kept up. In the same way that diuretics work to help the flow of urine, an antidiuretic will slow it down. Only take this if you have a problem with excessive urination. Retaining urine can have seriously bad effects.